Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Unwanteds

The Unwanteds

By Lisa McMann


"The Hunger Games meets Harry Potter." ~ Kirkus Review

The Unwanteds:  In the land of Quill all thirteen year olds are sorted in to  categories of the Wanteds, the smart and intelligent, the Necessaries, not the smartest ,but smart enough to be important, the Unwateds, have caused to many infraction to be deemed a Necessary, the creative children. When Alexander Stowe is determined am Unwanted and his brother Aaron  is determined to be a Wanted, he with others must face the death farm. A place where the Unwanteds go to die in the Great Lake of Boiling Oil. But Mr. Today the death farmer has a trick up his sleeve, he saves all the Unwanteds  by turning the death farm into Artime, a colorful magical world where creativity is prized, not cast out to die. Alex meets his new friends Meghan, Samheed, and Lani. They become great friends, strengthening each other during the most trouble some times, but when the fantastic four get into a little spat trouble comes around when Aaron  is showing High Priest Justine how she could fix the gas problem in Quill.

The Unwanteds: Island of Silence: Now that Artime has bee exposed to Quill, and Justine Mr. Today's evil twin sister is dead, all the Wanteds, Necessaries, and Unwanteds ca live in ether Aritme or Quill. Then come his new collared speechless guests, but just when he thinks things can get even better they take a turn for the worst.When Mr. Today decides to take a holiday and asks Alex to take over, holiday plans go amiss. Alex is at his peak and then falls as far as he can fall and his friends aren't there to help him up.  And with his twin brother Aaron plotting revenge and to take back to his former standards before Justine's' death Alex has a lot on his plate. 

The Unwanteds: Island of Fire: With Mr. Today dead Artime has disappeared, but on the bright side Meghan has returned with Alex just in time for Artime to disappear. But now Meghan is like the orange-eyed new comers, all three have a "voice-stealing necklace of thorns." Everyone is looking for answers from Alex he feels hopeless, with the tasks of restoring Artime, rescuing his captive friends, and free Megan of her thorn collar. Alex happens to have one tiny ray of sunshine, the answers could lie with the new orange-eyed, thorn collared children. Meanwhile Aaron is gathering his tropes in whats left of Quill. Alex will have to figure out how to bring back Artime to make everything right again, so can he?

The Unwanteds: Island of Legends: Island of Legends is still being written and produced, the book will come out on September 2, 2014!

A map of Quill

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