Monday, March 10, 2014



By Veronica Roth

Movie dates
Divergent: March 21, 2014
Insurgent: March 20, 2015
Allegiant: March 18, 2016


Divergent: Sixteen Beatrice  Prior has been attending school just like every other faction child, but she and all the other sixteen  year old's have to take the Aptitude test and then choose which faction they would like to be in. There are kids who don't fit into one faction, they could show great indigents(Erudite) while being brave(Dauntless). The  System can't control them, and the Factions can't define them. They threaten society as the faction members know it. We call them DIVERGENT.
                        "Be Brave"

              ONE CHOICE     
            A choice 
             Becomes a sacrifice
           A sacrifice
           Becomes a loss
          A loss 
           Become a burden
           A burden
           Becomes a battle
               CAN DESTROY YOU

Insurgent: With war looming over the factions Tris must make harder choices. Who's side is Tris Prior on? Who will die next? Who will die next, for her? While Tris is struggling with accepting her divergence, she also has to struggle with all the grief of death and the anger of people who want to kill her every second. Not to mention she has been betrayed more than once.

Allegiant: With the factions now split into two haves, the allegiant and the factionless, and the factionless prevailing, Tris, Four, Caleb, Christina,  Uriah, and the others have now made it our into the would outside the factions. With all the news that comes with leaving comes the lies and death, apron meeting the outside world comes great problems, not the simple life Four and Tris where looking for. Will her choices be the best ones? After all  ONE CHOICE CAN TRANSFORM YOU ONE CHOICE AND DESTROY YOU ONE CHOICE WILL DEFINE YOU

The Hunger Games


By Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games trilogy is written in Katniss' point of view.
Both Catching Fire and The Hunger Games are now major motion pictures, following with Mockingjay part 1&2 realest on November 21st, 2014 and November 20th, 2015.

The Hunger Games(THG): At age sixteen Katniss Everdeen has her name in the reaping bowl twenty times. When her younger sister Primrose is called out of thousands of names Katniss opts out for her. Her fellow tribute is stocky, blonde Peeta Mellark ,who feed her four years ago when her family fell apart when her father died in mine explosion. They will have to survive 23 other tributes who are by far more talented at killing people then they are, the Capitol's mutts and ticks, and winning over the sponsors who could keep them alive, if they like them. All in all "could you survive on your own, in the wild, with every one out to make sure you don't live to see the morning?"

Catching Fire(CF):At now age seventeen and having won the 74th annual Hunger Games with fellow tribute Peeta Mellark, Katniss should be happy with all the food she could eat while the rest of her district starving, but she's not ,Gale is keeping her at an icy distance and Peeta completely ignoring her. And because President Snow wasn't impressed with the "star-crossed lovers" performance ,on the Victory Tour the "lovers" must connive their last years trick wasn't a defiance of the Capital ,but an act of passionate love. "Sparks are igniting. Flames are spreading. The Capital wants revenge."

Mockingjay: Katniss now in the hidden district 13's care, she struggles to adapt to normal district 13 laws. Never attending meetings or, going to training. She presets to still be friends with Finnick Odiar the Capital's  "sugar cube", both lost in a daze because of their traumatic experiences in the 75th Hunger Games, fifth Quarter Quell. Katniss is now the Mockingjay, the face of the rebellion agents the Capitol. A creature the Capitol never intended to exist.

The Wings of Fire

 Wings of Fire 

By Tut T. Sutherland

The Dragonet Prophecy: The first book in the perspective of Clay, handsome, clumsy, loyal, thoughtful Clay. They grew up in a cave, never seeing outside but a few glimpses through a boulder. They escaped only to find out they were under Queen Scarlet of the Sandwing's sky palace. As soon as she found out they were the dragonets of the prophecy she imprisoned them. They fought to get out of the sky palace, later escaping with help from the Queen's champion Peril. Will they survive?

The Lost Heir: Tsunami's dream is coming true, she realized that her egg was stolen from the Royal Hatchery of the Seawings meaning she was the only surviving heir to the throne. She goes back into the ocean only to find her mother overprotective and suspicious, but can you blame her, all of her eggs and children were mysteriously murdered. Tsunami is left with the task of protecting the last egg of her mother. If she fails she will wind up like all of the other guards that failed, dead, killed by the queen after her eggs or children died. Only the female eggs were killed because only female dragons (of royal birth) can claim the throne.

The Hidden Kingdom: This book is from the perspective of Glory. It is about the Rainwings that dragons know little about other than knowing they are lazy. In this book Rainwings are mysteriously disappearing and its up to the dragonets to find out whats going on. Meanwhile Glory is challenging the other queens to become queen, to rescue the Rainwings from the Nightwings. 

The Dark Secret:Starflight was captured by the Nightwings and met the fake prophecy dragonets. These dragonets qere going to be used as the prophecy dragonets if the prophecy dragonets did not succeed in giving the Nightwings what they wanted which was prey rich land not full of lava and uninhabitable land. Then Morrowseer  told the dragonets the prophecy was fake and made by him so the Nightwings can get more land.

The Brightest Night: This book is currently still being written.


Percy Jackson

Percy Jackson series

 The Lightning Thief: The lightning thief is an interesting book for young and old readers. The Lightning thief is a wonderful combination of action, suspense, wonder, and imagination. Combining Ancient Greek myths with the modern world creates an amazing affect considering how they clash at times. There is a shocking affect when one of Percy's 'closest friends' turns on him and spies for the enemy. It breaks the heart of another when she learns he was working for the enemy, shown later to be the enemy's leader for some time and raising The Lord of Time.

The Sea of Monsters: The Sea of Monsters is the second book of The Percy Jackson series. Percy meets his half brother Tyson of who is exceptionally weird. Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson go on an illegal quest (a quest that was not given by the oracle) to rescue Grover from an evil cyclopes. Then they encounter The Princess Andromeda (the ship) which houses an army of monsters and Luke the betrayer. 

The Titan's Curse: Thalia is introduced in more detail, she is a daughter of Zeus one of the big three. She is nearing her 16th it possible she is the one of the prophecy? Percy, Thalia, Zoe, Grover, & Bianca (she is the daughter of Hades and Nico is her younger brother) go on a quest to stop the titan Atlas and save Annabeth. Luke is defeated and thrown off of a gigantic mountain....does he survive?

The Battle of The Labyrinth: Percy and Annabeth stumble upon the labyrinth while playing capture the flag. They soon get a quest to go into the labyrinth to stop Luke from getting Ariadne's string (magical string that can guide it's holder to anyplace in the world through the labyrinth) but Luke gets the string and launches an attack on Camp Half-Blood. Camp Half-Blood wins but with a death. They destroy the labyrinth by the creator dying (the labyrinth is connected to the creator's life force).

The Last Olympian: The Great Prophecy is becoming reality, Olympus is in danger, war is the only answer. Luke (now transformed into Kronos) leads his army of monsters into Manhattan laying siege on Mt. Olympus. Percy and the other demigods have few numbers compared to Lord Kronos's army. They are forced back to the doors of the Empire State Building when Hades comes to their aid. The last battle is between Luke, Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Ethan. Luke is killed by his own blade. Thus the line 'Cursed blade hero's soul shall reap" in the prophecy, cursed because Luke made a promise with the blade in which he broke.

The Book Chronicles

Welcome! This is our blog about different books, book series/trilogies, and TV shows. Several of the series/trilogies in the blog will be The Percy Jackson series, Wings Of Fire, The Hunger Games,The Unwanteds, Warriors, Doctor Who, and more!
We will also be posting dates to your favorite movie premiere, special date, and book premieres.